Canada Winter Games
The Canada Winter Games (CWG) is a multi-sport event held every four years, contested by provincial/territorial teams in a variety of sports. For the next Canada Winter Games please see Represent BC page.
Team BC for the sport of Biathlon will consist of four men and four women. One male and one female alternate will also be named to the team but will not travel to the CWG unless a selected athlete withdraws from the team or is unable to participate.

2023 Biathlon BC’s Canada Winter Games Team Announced
Biathlon BC is proud and excited to announce the team who will represent British Columbia at Canada Winter Games hosted in Prince Edward Island from Feb 17-26, 2023
The team will be led by coaches Jessica Blenkarn and Chris Halldorson and supported by wax tech Nicole Perrin.
The athletes that are representing Team BC:
Molly Caldwell (Sovereign Lake Nordic, Vernon)
Alexander Hatloe (Sea to Sky Nordic/Whistler Nordic Development Center, Whistler)
Liam Simons (Caledonia Nordic/Sovereign Lake Nordic, Vernon)
Tate Solomonson (Sovereign Lake Nordic, Vernon)
Parker Munroe (Sovereign Lake Nordic, Vernon)
Mia Rodger (Sea to Sky Nordic, North Vancouver)
Jessabelle Trelenberg (Cariboo Ski Touring Club, Williams Lake)
Aliah Turner (Caledonia Nordic, Prince George)
You can visit the Canada Winter Games website to follow along:
We wish you all the best of luck in PEI!

2015 Canada Winter Games – Prince George, BC

All Canada Winter Games results can be viewed on Games Results page